Senior Code of Conduct

“The spirit of cricket is, of course, about the behaviour of players on the field – acceptance of decisions, respect for one another, integrity. But it is also about an enthusiasm for the game; not just aggression but also to share a sense of fun. And fun is what life is all about.” -- Martin Crowe, MCC Cowdrey lecture 2006
Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club "Spirit of Cricket" Expectations:
Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club expects all Players, Captains, Coaches, Managers, and Supporters at all levels within our club to uphold the following values:
- Fun is the objective;
- Batsmen walk if caught;
- Fielders are quiet when batsmen are facing;
- Teams are prepared to play on time;
- Fielding teams maintain a fast over rate;
- No send-offs or abuse;
- Accept Umpires and Player/Umpires decisions;
- Complaints are voiced only through the captain and coach in an appropriate and respectful manner;
- Thank Umpires and opponents after the game.
- Report anyone who doesn’t uphold these values immediately and appropriately.
Codes of Conduct
All members of the Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club will recognise and will play within both the Laws and the Spirit of Cricket.
Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club members are required to abide with the Code of Conduct as laid down by New Zealand Cricket (NZC) and the Auckland Cricket Association (ACA).
Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club members are bound by this Code of Conduct and shall not engage in disorderly or unacceptable conduct or behaviour. Disorderly or improper conduct or behaviour includes, but is not restricted to:
- Assaulting or threatening to assault, intimidating, or abusing, an umpire, player or spectator;
- Using racist, sexist, demeaning, disparaging or threatening language to an umpire, player or spectator;
- Using offensive, insulting or abusive language, or hand signals or other gestures to an umpire, player or spectator;
- Showing dissent at an umpire’s decision by word or action;
- Appealing excessively or advancing towards an umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing;
- Making inappropriate and deliberate physical contact with another player;
- Throwing the ball at a player, umpire or another person in an inappropriate and dangerous manner;
- Engaging in any form of conduct or behaviour detrimental to the Spirit of Cricket or likely to bring the game or the Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club into disrepute.
All Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club team captains and/or coaches are responsible for requiring players in their teams to conduct themselves within the Spirit of Cricket, the Laws of Cricket and the Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club Code of Conduct at all times and must be proactive in diffusing any potential breaches.
All Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club members are required to respect and care for Club and Council facilities, including leaving every ground in the same or better condition as they found it i.e. picking up all litter.
All Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club members are responsible for welcoming and hosting in the clubrooms, all visiting clubs and/or players, match officials, Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club Life Members and Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club sponsors.
All Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club members and their guests are required to abide by the Club’s Sale and Consumption of Alcohol Policy.
Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club members are further required to abide by expectations, requirements and rules as detailed in supplementary NZC and ACA codes, guides, handbooks and publications e.g., Parents’ and Coaches’ Code, Tournament Regulations and Playing Conditions, Disciplinary Procedures.
Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club Judicial Committee will consist of:
- Chairperson - Senior Chair (Bryce Miller)
- Club Manager (Gair McSkimmings)
- Senior Coach (Ramesh Lakmal)
- Independent Player (Murray Silverstone)
The Chairperson will keep Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club Judicial Committee Record.
Comply with all instructions and timelines as required by the Association’s representative and the ACA Bylaws pertaining to all Judicial matters.
- Be involved in all complaints brought on the Club by a member.
- On receiving a complaint/report from Auckland Cricket;
- Contact and inform the player/s in the question of the complaint;
- Provide the player/s in question, with a copy of the complaint;
- Offer the player/s in question, the opportunity to provide a written response to the information recorded in the complaint;
- Canvass the player/s in question, the team captain, other players involved in the game, club officials and members present at the game, about the information recorded in the complaint;
- Submit all information as directed to ACA in the permitted timeline;
- If ACA deems it applicable;
- At the earliest possible time, convene a meeting of the Club Judicial Committee;
- At the conclusion of the meeting, provide ACA and the other club concerned with the outcome and if any internal sanctions have been handed down and the player/s involved (ACA must approve the findings/sanctions handed down).
- If ACA deems it applicable, facilitate all required actions as described by ACA and attend any Phone or Judicial Hearings if applicable.
Please note: Auckland Cricket or the player/s may appeal a decision of the Hibiscus Coast Cricket Club Judicial Committee, which will then in-turn0 be referred to the independent ACA Judicial Committee at the discretion of the Chief Executive’s determination (as per the ACA bylaws).